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Ismael Ash




Fortaleza, CE, Brazil

links, click on icon

  • Unity Connect
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Linkedin
  • Github
  • YouTube
  • Instagram
  • Udemy
  • SlideShare

Hello! I am Ash


I help develop solutions to create or improve digital products!

I am a very pro active person and focused on what I do. I am always aware of new technologies and looking for different ways to apply them in the market. Entrepreneurship is always on my mind and I look for new opportunities to learn and act!

MBA in Solutions Architect

Speaker at technology events.
* NerdZão
* TDC (The Developer's Conference)
* BrazilJS
* FrontInUdi
* PHP com Rapadura
* AWS Community Day Brasil
* Rocketseat (DoWhile

* DevOpsDay

Here are some technologies I've used in projects,

FrontEnd Development using

- TypeScript,

- React.js,

- Vue.js

- Angular
BackEnd Development using

- .Net Core,

- Node.js,

- API RestFull,

- API GraphQL,

- Serverless,

- Web Sockets,

- Headless CMS,
Databases Development using

- MySQL,

- PostgreeSQL,

- SQLServer,

- MongoDB (No-SQL),

- DynamoDB (No-SQL),

- Firebase Firestore (NO-SQL)

- Redis (NO-SQL)
Mobile Development using

- React Native,

- Unity,

- SparkAR,
Cloud Development using

- AWS,

- Azure,

- Firebase,

- GCP,

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