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  • Writer's pictureIsmael Nascimento



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THE IPO - INSTITUTO PARANAENSE DE OTORRINOLARINGOLOGIA and it's clinical staff has a large measure of responsibility for teaching. Opening up a new academic vision and adapting the students to technology means providing quality teaching, placing practice and reality in the instructors hands.

Far beyond investing in augmented reality, the hospital aims to create, in a short time, a complete library in the otorhinolaryngology area that is fully in augmented reality and aimed solely and exclusively at teaching our students and future doctors.


- Programmer all

Working on Unity with:

- C#

- AR (Augmented Reality)

- Vuforia (Cloud)

- UI Components

- UnityWebRequest

- Profiling Tools

- Coroutines & Invokes

- Deploy PlayStore

- Deploy AppStore


- Git

- Visual Studio

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